Stanford Quad and Hoover Tower, CA
During her career, she has visited hundreds of colleges including schools of all sizes, on both coasts and in between, military academies, smaller Christian schools, well-known Ivy Leagues, and schools in the UK and Ireland.
She maintains personal connections with admission counselors at many of these schools and is active in her network of high school counselors. This experience has given her insight that transcends web sites and YouTube videos and allows her to connect the “feel” of a school with individual students.
Sunny has a degree in Biblical Counseling from the Masters University and is certified in the Strong’s Interest Inventory. Sunny is a mother of three children living in Annapolis, MD with her husband, daughter, golden retrievers, and cats. She is an active member of Annapolis EP Church and volunteers her time with animal rescue.
"The arch at the Quad at Stanford University" by Fiore Power is licensed under CC BY 2.0.
Sunny has nearly 25 years of experience on both sides of the college admissions process.
She started in the 1990s as an admissions counselor at several West coast colleges. She then switched sides and helped build the first college counseling program at a high school in Sunnyvale, CA. She spent 6 years administering the SAT and ACT for the College Board. Most recently, she served as the Director of College and Career Counseling at an Annapolis area private school for ten years. She has counseled well over 1000 students through the college admission process.
Peterhouse, Cambridge, UK